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Sky Cube

The Sky Cube or 1³ is a conceptual cube that derives from the equation 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. It is a puzzle cube that inspired by the various others such as the Soma Cube, Oskar Cube and Paradora Box. 


With the contraints of - To form a cube > To form using 10 strokes/ components > To form the equation 1x1x1=1, the components are specially designed to compromise all the three contraints which interlink each other. The final outcome is a design particularly challenging for first timers.


Out of the 10 components, 8 of them are the same while the other 2 slightly differs. The edges and contours of the each parts fit each other easily thus it is challenging for first timers, but once solived, it will make sense and easily be solved the second time. 


The components are constructed and joined using surfaces for easy template production and save materials. The material used are 2mm thick black acrylic for precision dimensioning of each component.  In addition, magnets can be inserted thus the equation can be form front view on the wall instead of just top view. 


Lastly, a outer case or box is created to contain the parts as a cube as the parts may fall off as not all of them interlock and holds each other. The box acts as a containment and adds a special touch to its uniqueness to the overall packaging.

James Sua - Sky Cube, 2015,

made of acrylic, dim 6 x 6 x 6 cm,

Conceptual Design (NTU) with Peter Chen,


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